Dr. Bobby Kalotee is a charismatic and hardworking individual who has grown from humble beginnings as an immigrant from India to a respected civic leader and proud United States citizen who epitomizes the American dream. It has been an honor and rewarding experience for Bobby to serve the People of Nassau County/Long Island/New York State over the past four decades, as Chairman of various political parties, a community activist, and an ambassador on overseas missions of charitable work. Bobby believes it is a blessing to serve others all day, every day. He is relentless in his quest to help people address their problems and concerns, regardless of origin or social status.
Dr. Kalotee was appointed to Nassau County Human Rights Commission in 2016 by a unanimous vote of the Nassau County legislature, and enthusiastically approved by the Nassau County Executive. He is also one of the longest serving Directors on the Board of Directors of Nassau University Medical Center having been originally appointed by the then Presiding Officer, Bruce Blakeman and approved by then governor of New York State, George Pataki.




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